

What is sfZed?

sfZed is an editor for the sfz format for the sfz sample player created by rgc:audio and for CakeWalk Dimension. The format uses stand alone samples as wave or ogg files, plus a file defining how those samples should be used. The sfz format is a text format and can be edited with a text editor. The role of sfZed is to make that task easier by organising the information, providing graphical visual feedback and audio auditioning. Since it is desirable to be able to convert equivalent formats, conversion is also included.

Recent changes are marked


When sfZed starts it will prompt you for some settings. These are:

Also you can choose whether to save <group> values with regions. By default this will be set to "One group only" which means that any values which are the same thoughout all regions wll appear in a <group> tag at the top of the file. If "Multiple groups" chosen sfZed will detect which opcodes are suitable for grouping using the current sort order and create groups where appropriate.

Creating a new instrument

When you first open sfZed it has created the basis for a new instrument. It creates one region which is mapped right across the keyboard, but has no samples associated with it. In place of the sample is an "Add" button. By clicking that, or choosing "Add samples" from the "File" menu, one or more samples can be added. In fact sfZed simply creates a reference to the location of each sample. In place of the "Add" button, there will now be a dropdown selection of all of the available samples. At the time the samples are added, you will be prompted to add regions. This creates one region for each sample, and, as far as it can tell from the name, sets the lokey, hikey and pitch_keycenter (see Working with Templates below). It then opens the region toolbox and offers to spread the samples across available keys and set the velocity range if you wish.

To create a new region choose "New region" from the "Edit" menu.

Working with Templates

The values associated with a region can be saved for use in other editing sessions. This can be most useful when mapping drums which need special setting for each part of the kit. A template is created by right clicking on a region and choosing Template>Set. Enter the template keyword and click Add/Update. All of the values in the selected region are now saved against that keyword. The keyword becomes a menu option under Template and selecting it will apply the values to a region.

Also, when samples are loaded, the template keywords are compared with the sample name, and if one matches any part of the name the template will be automatically applied. In this respect, note names and numbers are also treated as keywords and if there is more than one match, the longest match will take priority, and where lengths are equal templates take priority.

For example a template with a keyword of "kick" will automatically assign the required opcode values to a sample called "kick23.wav", or be applied with one mouse click if it isn't. If you dont want a keyword to ever be matched to a sample name put a "*" or "?" in the name.

When you create your first template a file called "sfztemplates.sfz" is created in the directory where sfZed.exe is loaded. It can be loaded into sfZed like any other file, edited and saved.

No templates are provided by default, but I will host templates on this web site if anyone wants to share them.


Individual cells can be selected just by clicking on them once. They can be copied, pasted etc. By clicking on the far left margin, whole regions can be selected. They can be copied and pasted also. If regions are copied, and then pasted into a text document, proper sfz format regions will be produced. Similarly if one or more regions is copied from a text document (including the <region> tag) they can be successfully pasted into sfZed. To select all regions, click the empty top left cell of the Region tab.

When pasting in individual cells, the selection position moves down by one. This means that by repeated pasting, a number of cells can be quickly filled with the same value. To make all of the cells in an opcode have the same value, right click on a cell with the value required, and choose "Apply to all".


Auditioning will not be available until you have saved a new instrument for the first time as an sfz format file (or saved a converted Soundfont). Once you have done so it will be available automatically, and the sound will be produced through sfz, giving an accurate reflection of the end result. As you play notes, the region being used will be highlighted in green on the left. This is an indication of the regions, not always an accurate reflection of what sfz is using. Not all aspects of sfz are modeled, and some (eg random regions) could not be predicted by sfZed.

When you make changes, the notes are highlighted in red. This means what you are hearing is the copy before the changes were made. To hear the changes, either save the file, or click the "Preview" button, which will have turned red. Preview creates a temporary file, without changing the original.

The "Sfz" tab shows the sfz VST. Here you can choose the quality settings. Loading a different file here will do no harm, but will not be understood by the editor.

On the toolbar there is also a volume slider, and a keyboard button which opens a keyb
oard window which can be resized, as an alternative to MIDI input. An advantage of this is that a range of velocities are available which may be difficult to reproduce on a MIDI keyboard.

Also the following keys will play the currently selected region:

F5 - lowest key, highest velocity
F6 - highest key, highest velocity
F7 - middle key, lowest velocity (1 if low velocity is 0 - though still probably inaudible)
F8 - middle key, highest velocity

Setting values

The sfz format defines a lot of "Opcodes" which define how the samples should be played back. See the sfz format definition at www.rgcaudio.com for details. By creating many regions, different samples and settings can be used based on the note played, and perhaps, say, its velocity. The remaining settings affect the way the sound is played back. All of these (about 200 possible opcodes) are available from the "Opcodes" menu and become new columns in the layout. By hovering your mouse over a column, or right-clicking and choosing "Help" more information about the opcode is available. But you should use the formal sfz format definition in case of doubt.

Values can be set depending on their type. Numeric values can mostly be set using a slider. But if there is no upper or lower limit this is not available. Choices appear as a dropdown. But any cell can be modified just by typing the value required.

Cell values which are notes can also be set by holding down Ctrl and playing them on the MIDI keyboard. Where notes are high/low pairs, both can be set at the same time by playing both notes.

When a value has the defined default for that opcode it is coloured grey and it will be omitted from the saved file. Values in red are invalid for that opcode type (but will still be saved if you save the file).

Comments at the top of the sfz file can be modified via the Comments tab. Comments within the file cannot be modified, but are retained a far as possible. Two special comments are available


which will pop up if the file is loaded and any samples are missing, and will open the page if the URL is clicked. This allows the sfz file to be disributed without samples or directed to samples not owned by the author.


which will appear as an option under the help menu. Again it will open the page if requested.

Soundfont Conversion

The most 'open' format prior to sfz is the Creative Soundfont, and it is supported by all converters. So sfZed includes the ability to convert Soundfonts.

Converting Soundfonts does not achieve anything useful in itself. If you plan to use them unaltered, leave them as Soundfonts. Conversion is there for cases where you want to apply changes. Also remember that if you plan to share your results, Soundfonts (and samples for that matter) may be protected by copyright.

To convert a Soundfont, choose "Import Soundfont". If it contains more than one instrument you will be asked which you wish to convert. Only one can be converted at a time. The sfz format created from a Soundfont cannot be auditioned until it, and the samples have been saved. The opcodes in sfz do not exactly match the options available in a Soundfont, so the result may not exactly match.

Where possible, sfZed will create a stereo sample where the Soundfont uses stereo, even if that means some loss of parameters as a result. It can only do so, however, if the samples are alike in all respects, including loop points. Otherwise it will create two mono samples and pan them as in the Soundfont - but the results in sfz will not be so good as a stereo sample.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl-A Select All
Ctrl-C Copy
Ctrl-N New
Ctrl-O Open
Ctrl-V Paste
Ctrl-X Cut
Ctrl-Y Redo
Ctrl-Z Undo

Shift-Del Cut
Ctrl-Insert Copy
Shift-Insert Paste
Del Delete

Ctrl-PgDown Increment
Ctrl-PgUp Decrement
Ctrl/Shift-PgDown Coarse Increment
Ctrl/Shift-PgUp Coarse Decrement

Ctrl-Tab Change page tab

F1 Help
F5 Play region - lowest key, highest velocity
F6 Play region - highest key, highest velocity
F7 Play region - middle key, lowest velocity
F8 Play region - middle key, highest velocity

Copyright © 2004-2005 Steve Holt. All rights reserved.